Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Monochrome of DeLawn

Hello Friends:

I realize that DeLawn keeps popping up in many of my paintings and studies. He is a fantastic model-- his bone structure, skin tone, and that waist-long hair make him a joy to paint, so why not?

This painting is a departure for me. I started by applying very thick gesso on top of a canvas with a palette knife. I let this dry completely so that all those ridges would give the painting a nice texture when the paint was applied on top of it. For the painting itself, I used only two colors, Burnt Sienna and Black. For the lighter areas I lifted the paint off with a rag or a brush, so white was never used. I'd be very interested to know how you like this technique. I'm very tempted to paint other paintings on top of this type of texture in the future.

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